Lucius’s lifelong dream, as of ten minutes ago, is learning how to do sorcery. Luckily, he’s not only in a city crawling with witches who are slicing bits off people’s faces to do their magic and bringing wineskins to life, but his hostess is a sorceress herself, and all he has to do is catch her in the act.

The creature is the Lizard Man, lover of sinking his claws into cars…and his teeth into some Filet-o-Fish sandwiches.




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Possibly objectionable things in the order in which they appear:

  1. Witches stab a man in the neck and drain him of blood
  2. Witches urinate on a man
  3. A man contemplates suicide and goes so far as to loop a rope around a rafter a climb a bed
  4. A man has a nose and his ears cut off by witches painlessly while he is asleep
  5. A couple carries on a sexual relationship (nothing explicit)